Voices from the frontline
Explore our deep dive into housing and homelessness - providing a platform for voices from across the frontline in these pressured sectors.
5 years on: our reflections
At the end of July 2024, Telescope will have been officially running for five whole years. It’s a huge milestone and a proud moment for us. So we’ve taken the time to reflect a little on our key takeaways, and wanted to share three of them with you here. We’re excited to take these lessons, and many others, into our next phase.
How to co-design in a project with a local council
Based on our experience building a strategy for the Royal Borough of Greenwich, we’ve put together a resource for other organisations working with local authorities, particularly those operating on a consultancy or project-based model. It’s a bit of a “how-to” for co-designing with Councils - in the hope it can help others in the future too.
The Telescope Story: Meet Our Founders
In May 2024, it will be five years since the first seeds of Telescope were planted. The core of it was simple: bring together policy and practice, so that they could inform one another and build a better world. Take a look back at the story of Telescope through an interview with two of the founders, Hebe Foster and Sarah Holliday.
A strategy and a tool: building a multi-pronged approach to help Greenwich Council assess community needs and resources
In 2023, we spoke with the RBG Communities team, who needed a better way to assess need and provision of services, and a strategy to enable it to allocate its Council owned community assets.
Expert by Experience: using co-design to amplify voices from marginalised communities
We spoke to Voices of Colour founder Indy Sira about her work and why it’s so important to address inequality in the co-design process.
Expert by Experience: Launching a Community Owned Hub in Greenwich
The Star of Greenwich is a pub and community hub in the heart of East Greenwich, which reopened in 2022 under a community ownership model.
Strategy building with people at the heart
What is “co-design”, really? A quick Google throws up lots of definitions, most of them based around the concepts of “designing together”.
Reflecting on the Democracy Network principles
Eagle-eyed readers of our newsletter will have spotted that we really love The Democracy Network's new Collaboration for Democratic Change guide, which we shared in our August edit.
Mutual mentoring for policymakers: lessons learned
We recently delivered a seven-session mutual mentoring programme with Policy Profession, which was designed to support policy and service practitioners' professional development.
The changing role of libraries in our communities
If you had to think of a space that was at the heart of your community, what would it be? A school perhaps, or an arts venue; maybe a church or a community hall. You might even choose a library.
What can policymakers learn about co-creation from the arts sector?
One of our key goals is to bring together policy and decision makers with the people who are most impacted by those policies, including voices from our local communities, which often go unheard.
Focus on Telescope: Kit Collingwood
Kit Collingwood is Chief Digital Officer at Royal Borough of Greenwich Council and is a member of Telescope’s board. She’s a keen advocate of diversity and inclusion, with a focus on gender equality and LGBT+ rights. We spoke to Kit about her career, and the changes she would like to see in policymaking.
Launching our new mutual mentoring programme
Drawing on all our experience, and supported by Policy Profession, on March 24th we officially kicked off a mutual mentoring programme between individuals in the civil service.
Expert by Experience: addressing healthcare inequalities through weight neutral programmes
Nutriri is a social enterprise working to improve access to healthcare, nutrition and movement without focusing on weight.
Canary in the coal mine: it’s time for us to properly listen to frontline workers
As we step into 2023, the country is braced for some difficult months ahead with the ever worsening cost of living crisis and spiralling energy prices.
Telescope, Year Here, and the impact of social enterprise
The closure of Year Here throws into stark relief the primary challenge that all entrepreneurs face - that “doing a startup” is hard. It’s particularly hard when you are impact-driven, and therefore have multiple demands on your resources that other businesses might not.
Innovation Case Study: Hull City Council
We worked with the Centre for Homelessness Impact (CHI) to assess the impact of their Accelerator on local authorities by mapping their user journey.
A design education for the international policymaker
How can design thinking benefit policy? And how can policymakers without a specific design training learn to use these tools and methods?