Case studies
Telescope connects people from across the policy, public and frontline sectors and gives them the tools and networks to tackle their common challenges, working together to build better policies and services. From adult social care to homelessness, probation to healthcare, we’ve supported over 300 participants to take a step back and see differently.
Featured case study: better outcomes for people on probation
Grand Avenues is a radical pilot project seeking to co-produce better outcomes for people on probation in Cardiff and, in the process, redesign the future of probation in the UK.
Case study: sparking new connections in adult social care
We facilitated an on-site workshop that enabled a local councillor and health department representatives from the Department of Health and Social Care, Southwark Council and local charities to explore the work of Age UK Lewisham + Southwark.
Case Study: reducing rough sleeping and homelessness
Our Connect programme brought together 12 people passionate about reducing rough sleeping and homelessness, collaborating on new ideas around Housing First and simplifying the complexity of the housing system.
Case Study: low carbon transport in cities
We facilitated an online programme in urban transport, connecting members of Transport for London and the Department of Transport via a series of workshops to delve into the challenges and opportunities around clean energy transport.
Case Study: a wellbeing day for frontline workers
We facilitated a full day team building workshop for frontline and strategy teams in HMPPS Wales, strengthening connection and building personal and collective agency to tackle problems.
Case Study: mutual mentoring
We ran a mutual mentoring programme designed to support policy and service practitioners' professional development by using a mutual mentoring approach to co-create positive outcomes. We paired policy professionals with frontline workers from within central government, including departments such as the Home Office, DWP, DfE and HMRC.
Case Study: Covenant for Young Carers
In collaboration with the Young Carers Alliance and Carers Trust, our workshop series helped to gather insights from stakeholders across the system about what should be included in a “covenant” for young carers.
Case Study: designing a Community Resource Strategy for Greenwich
Taking a strengths-based approach, we worked with voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations, the Council, and residents to design a new approach to community assets. How can the Council better allocate assets, distribute funding, and support the thriving VCS ecosystem that Greenwich has?